

Lohngame is part of the Swisse Karriere Games (career games) that concludes several career and job referred DGBL games.

In Lohngame ("Lohn" meaning "wage") you can train your personal qualities on wage negotiation with only a few clicks. With this you can prepare playfully for your own challenging wage negotiations.

With Lohngame, you learn how to react correctly to tricky questions, how to argue confidently and how to get more wages. During the game, you will receive concrete tips that you can implement immediately.

A success bar on top center of the pictured game frame indicates after each question, whether your answer was either good or improvable, with a slide signaling "more money" that shifts stepwise from left ro right if you choose wisely. The Q&A systematics of Lohngame are based on multiple choice: you always get three possible answers, from which you can select one. A simple signal tone after each answer indicates the fulfilled step after each question.

Duration of the game is no longer than 5-7 minutes in total. No download/app is needed, you can play it online.

Official link (play the game)
