
Pair up - Graphs and Functions

Mathematics level G. - Linear Functions:

Pair up - Graphs and Functions:
The students must find their match and pair up.

Make different linear Graphs – you can draw them yourself; the class can make them or you can use a program e.g., “GeoGebra classic 5” and print them all out.
Make the corresponding functions to the graphs.
Cut up all the graphs and functions - For protection you can laminate the copies, so they are reusable - and can be used outdoors. It’s also a good idea to make the graphs relatively large so it’s easy to see.

How to play the game:
Mix all the graphs and functions – eighter all together or in two separate piles.
Each student takes a copy from one of the piles.
The students walk around and talk to each other and show their copies to find their match.
When the students find their correct match and pair up, they can return the copies to the piles, or somewhere else, depending on what the teacher’s goal is – you can give points, or just have fun, or maybe the class have an idea.

Example: Image Pair Up Example