When getting to the Categories section, you will first see a long list of all categories available. This may be a bit confusing at first, but please make sure you add categories carefully as they form the basis of the content organisation and will help users navigate the wiki.
Step 1: You must select (i.e. tick the box) one of either main category (GLOSSARY OR EDUCATIONAL SHEETS); you must not tick both (i.e. an educational sheet can never also be a glossary term).
Step 2: Once you have selected the main category, you can add your category items (Tip: collapse the main category that you have not selected – see images below).
There should not be too many additional/new glossary terms but you may need/want to add some additional ones.
Glossary terms can be added in multiple subcategories (i.e. a term could be a tool and a theory, or a tool and a keyterm).
Educational sheets need to be added in all subcategories that apply. Please consider and add these carefully.
IMPORTANT: A glossary term CANNOT also be an educational sheet.
Step 3: Add internal links to other wiki entries.
Step 4: Save your entry!
Once you save, you can also adjust the size of your images.