

Serious game-based learning environment to reduce physical and psychological stress among care workers

Stressrekord2 Stressrekord
Source: Screenshots from Stressrekord

Stress-Rekord is a game (only available in German) that aims at the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills in the field of health management. It is primarily designed for managers in care, who are sensitised to work-related stress in a realistic learning environment and also are encouraged to adapt their management style. The game can also be used in the vocational training and lifelong learning settings, e.g. training of nursing staff or aged care workers aspiring to take on more responsible leadership roles. In the game user playfully develop the necessary skills to recognise stressful situations of care workers and to provide support to employees.

The game can be played as a browser-based desktop application here.

The game was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and developed by the Medienzentrum of the Technical University of Dresden in cooperation with the Bildungsvereinigung ARBEIT UND LEBEN Nds. Süd gGmbH and Trägerwerk Soziale Dienste wohnen plus...gGmbH as well as the Sächsische Landesvereinigung für Gesundheitsförderung e. V. (Saxon State Association for Health Promotion).