

Creativity is a process of imagination, inspiration and learning about the creative process of becoming creative thinkers. Mich Resnick Professor of Learning Research at MIT coined the term creative learning spiral to denote the essential feature of emanating creativity in early childhood education. The creative learning spiral pinpoints to certain creativity aspects that may form the process of teaching through creativity.


The spiral starts from the process of imagination as means of creating imaginative narratives and stories that will trigger students' imagination.The next element in the process is 'create' when students need to transform abstract ideas to tangible creations that they can feel, manipulate and act on. Then the process of sharing between and within groups for building and extending creations. Then reflect with props and prompts from teachers through posing questions in relation to what went wrong and what else needs to be done for improving. The spiral concludes by starting the process of imagination for creating new ideas and new developments.

The engine of creativity and creative thinking is therefore an iterative cycle of imagining, creating, sharing and reflecting. Developing and optimising abilities based on personal learning interests is the essence of being creative. Creative uses of technologies such as via developing media and games in Scratch may be considered as helping students to become creative thinkers and apply the creative learning spiral. Creativity can be emulated in GBL like in the Experiment D, pacific game, and merchants