
Persuasive Learning Environments

Persuasive learning environments persuade learners, through interactive and immersive learning resources, to participate, interact and learn autonomously. Persuasive design strategies are being used incorporating activity-based learning strategies and models along with design thinking design thinking and user experience design methodologies. The concept of persuasive design influences human behaviour through embedding persuasive concepts inside learning content. Reinforcing change in behaviour or attitude without coercion or deception is the overarching aim of persuasion. As such persuasive systems infuse cognitive or emotional change through feedback, discussion and dialogue.


In the context of persuasive games, games that encourage players to change attitudes, emotions and cognitive models may have the role of a tool, a medium of change and a social actor. That is serious games may be used to make learning more efficient, transformative and engaging as well as building relationships with other users and the with the elements of the system.