This site for teachers includes free educational video games to facilitate the teaching of microeconomics, industrial organization and game theory. The advantage that teachers have is that they can choose the game and enter the number of players. Students will connect to the site with phones, tablets or laptops. Moreover, the teacher can follow and monitor the evolution of the game.
The site contains 14 simulation games to play alone and 48 multiplayer games classified in Industrial Organization, Market games, Externalities and public goods, Game Theory, Information Assymmetry, Finance and Macro.
Hotelling Pricing Game - Players are managers of a company that competes with three other companies to sell a product to customers in a given country. Each company can only be located in one place, and customers incur quadratic transportation costs when buying from companies that are not exactly located where they live.
Price discrimination, vertical differentiation and peak-load pricing - players take price and quantity decisions for an airline on a given route against a robot competitor. It illustrates notions such as marginal cost/average cost, variable cost/fixed cost, sunk cost, short-run/long-run cost, price discrimination (yield management), elasticity of demand, peak-load pricing.
Impact of fixed costs and capacity constraints on price and profit, with differentiated goods - Players repeatedly compete on five different markets with only slight differences: with or without unavoidable fixed costs, with or without avoidable fixed costs, with low or high production capacities